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Since November 11, 2021, TA has transformed into a connector for startup ecosystems and an event platform. Formerly Taiwan’s first seed accelerator, it has incubated over 600 startup teams since 2017.
Taiwan Incubator(Ti) is a semi-public early-stage seed investment incubator dedicated to incubating and providing seed funding for startup teams and individuals with unique and innovative ideas, concepts, or products. With a clear understanding of key market survival strategies, it offers teams direct and practical advice, mentorship, and startup funding to help overcome various challenges.
The center focuses on “expanding academia-industry collaboration through technology R&D” and “accelerating and optimizing business incubation” as its core strategies, integrating resources to support startups and SMEs from R&D to internationalization. Through technology development, resource acquisition, marketing channels, and fundraising, it offers comprehensive hardware facilities, software services, and business incubation. Its services cater to a wide range of clients, from university students and young professionals to SMEs and multinational corporations, addressing development needs at every stage.
The Nangang Biotech Incubation Center (NBIC) differs from typical school-based incubation centers by emphasizing a comprehensive incubation concept that spans creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. In addition to providing technical assistance during the early stages of incubation, it further strengthens post-incubation services with a focus on business development. NBIC is dedicated to integrating resources from industry, research institutions, and government, adhering to a partnership philosophy of mutual development to support and accelerate the growth of innovative biotech and pharmaceutical startups.
理想創業工場,成立於 2021 年,提供「Venture as a Service」的新型態服務給創業家、中小企業與大型企業。在這裡,我們不只是提供一個創新空間(獨立辦公室、會議室與活動場域),同時也提供一站式的全方位服務來協助公司成長、市場開發、募資以及風險投資,從台灣擴及至東亞地區。
Ideal Startup Factory, established in 2021, offers a new model of service, “Venture as a Service,” to entrepreneurs, SMEs, and large corporations. Here, we provide not only an innovative space (private offices, meeting rooms, and event venues) but also a one-stop, comprehensive service to support business growth, market development, fundraising, and venture capital expansion from Taiwan to the East Asia region.
CBC Space 是一個結合舒適工作環境與專業服務的國際化商務空間,提供創業支持、資金整合、法律財務諮詢及高端商務人脈,助力事業成功。以先進科技與資源整合,協助企業從品牌建置到政府補助申請,實現全方位發展。
CBC Space is an international business hub that combines a comfortable working environment with professional services, offering entrepreneurial support, funding integration, legal and financial consultation, as well as access to high-level business networks to drive success. With advanced technology and resource integration, we assist businesses in everything from brand building to government subsidy applications, enabling comprehensive growth and development.
GxPartners 致力於支持種子期和早期的新創企業成長,透過「資源整合與合作夥伴力量」的核心策略,不僅提供資金,更結合合作夥伴的營運資源,為新創企業提供全方位的支持。我們專注於利用強大的合作夥伴網絡,補足新創企業在成長過程中所需的關鍵資源,助力他們邁向成功,從而實現倍增式的成長與突破。
GxPartners is dedicated to supporting the growth of seed and early-stage startups through a core strategy of “resource integration and partner collaboration.” Beyond providing funding, we leverage the operational resources of our partner companies to deliver comprehensive support to startups. By addressing critical resource gaps and empowering startups with a robust partner network, GxPartners accelerates their growth and enables transformative breakthroughs on the path to success.
FungLy Venture Capital focuses on small and medium-sized investments, targeting domestic teams with distinctive technical expertise, scalability, and innovation. It provides early-stage investments along with integrated support through crowdfunding, angel clubs, and co-creation spaces within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Established in 2010, it is a sustainable venture capital fund focusing on emerging service industries, key manufacturing, and cultural and creative industries. Through domestic and international joint venture funds, it promotes the linkage of Taiwan’s innovative industries with global markets. Its investments span Taiwan, Greater China, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Additionally, it participates in projects commissioned by Taiwan’s National Development Fund to support policy-driven industrial investments, advancing Taiwan’s emerging industries toward internationalization and technological innovation.
SinoPac Venture Capital, established in January 2003, focuses on five major industries: biotech and healthcare, circular economy, green energy technology, semiconductors, and financial technology (FinTech). By adopting an Ecosystem strategy, it assists portfolio companies in fostering business collaborations and strategic alliances to enhance corporate value. Its investment targets primarily mature-stage and Pre-IPO companies, leveraging partnerships with financial holding groups and external collaborators to expand investment opportunities.
TX Ventures 是一支規模達 1 億瑞士法郎的基金,專注於投資能夠民主化金融產品、提升財務安全性,並改善效率與可持續性的金融科技公司。在 TX 集團的支持下,我們提供市場營銷、技術和 IT 安全等方面的實務支援,推動金融創新,打造更好的金融世代。
TX Ventures is a CHF 100m fund dedicated to investing in Fintechs that democratize financial access, empower financial security, and enhance efficiency and sustainability. Backed by TX Group, we provide hands-on support in Marketing, Tech, and IT Security, driving innovation for a better generation of finance.
成立於1986年的浦那科學技術園區(Scitech Park)是一個印度非營利組織,通過其「Growth Lab」育成中心推廣技術創業,已為122家新創企業提供資金及專業指導。該園區專注於將知識轉化為財富,致力於知識產權管理、技術管理,並推動針對農村的技術創業孵化項目。其創新和社會影響力在國內外廣受認可。
Established in 1986, Scitech Park in Pune is a not-for-profit organization promoting technopreneurship through its “Growth Lab” incubator, nurturing 122 startups with funding and expert guidance. It focuses on converting knowledge into wealth by facilitating IPR, technology management, and sustainable rural ventures. Recognized nationally and internationally, it drives innovation and social impact.
TX Ventures 是一支規模達 1 億瑞士法郎的基金,專注於投資能夠民主化金融產品、提升財務安全性,並改善效率與可持續性的金融科技公司。在 TX 集團的支持下,我們提供市場營銷、技術和 IT 安全等方面的實務支援,推動金融創新,打造更好的金融世代。
BlackStorm Consulting is a leading business consultancy empowering companies across Southeast Asia, with a focus on Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. Specializing in corporate strategy and market entry, we help businesses unlock their potential by optimizing people, product, and process.
BEYOND4 是位於馬來西亞的一個多層次加速器生態系,致力於賦能人才與新創企業。我們的人才生態系運用尖端技術,挖掘個人潛能,推動專業人士在新興技術領域的職業發展。同時,我們的新創生態系專注於培育高潛力企業,透過導師指導、資金支持及全方位服務,助力企業加速成長並實現可持續的成功。
BEYOND4 is a multi-tier accelerator ecosystem designed to empower talent and startups. Our Talent Ecosystem harnesses cutting-edge technology to unlock individual potential, advancing careers in emerging fields. Simultaneously, our Startup Ecosystem supports high-potential startups with mentorship, funding, and resources, driving them towards sustainable success.
陽明交通大學產業加速器暨專利開發策略中心 (Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy, IAPS) 成立於 2013 年,為全國第一家由學界成立的育成加速器,至今已培育超過 950 家新創團隊及科研團隊,每年專案培育之科技團隊累積募資額超過 3 億台幣。2015-2016 年曾獲全球育成中心排名調查機構 UBI Global 評選為亞太地區加速器中心第一名、全球第七名殊榮。
Founded in 2013, IAPS (Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University) is a tech-oriented and university-affiliated startup accelerator. To date, we’ve worked with 950+ startups and lab techs. Each year under our programs, our cohorts raise ~10-11 million USD. We have also been credited as the top 1 accelerator in the APAC region and top 7 globally by UBI Global in 2015.
國家科學與技術發展局(NSTDA)成立於1991年,隸屬於泰國高等教育、科學、研究與創新部,致力於推動科學、技術與創新,以提升國家競爭力並促進社會經濟發展。NSTDA 的使命包括研發、技術轉移、人力資源培育以及基礎設施建設,並透過與學術界、政府部門、私人機構及國際合作夥伴的協作實現這些目標。
The National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), established in 1991 under Thailand’s Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation, drives science, technology, and innovation to enhance national competitiveness and socio-economic development. NSTDA’s mission includes R&D, technology transfer, human resource development, and infrastructure advancement through collaborations with academic, government, private, and international partners.
StartupGoGo 是一家總部位於福岡市的加速器,成立於 2014 年。其主要活動包括舉辦創業簡報活動「StartupGo!Go!」、獨創的加速計畫「UPDRAFT」以及開放式創新專案「Partner Matching Program」。此外,亦協助來自台灣、韓國等海外新創企業進入日本市場,支持各種創業活動。2019 年,StartupGoGo 成立了創投公司「GxPartners」,正式啟動新創企業投資業務。
StartupGoGo is an accelerator based in Fukuoka City, established in 2014. Its main activities include organizing pitch events such as “StartupGo!Go!,” the unique acceleration program “UPDRAFT,” and the open innovation project “Partner Matching Program.” Additionally, it supports various entrepreneurial activities, including assisting startups from Taiwan, Korea, and other overseas markets to enter Japan. In 2019, StartupGoGo launched the venture capital firm “GxPartners,” officially initiating its startup investment business.